Atlanta Psychologist
Atlanta Psychologist – call Dr. David Karol Gore today, a leading Atlanta Psychologists.
Why go to a psychologist? Because we are the best-trained, most-skilled clinicians around. And we are all uniformly good-looking, too. (Sadly, not even close).
There are tons of “Master’s level” therapists out there. Some of them are great, some are not. There are also a lot of Ph.D.’s and Psy. D.’s in Atlanta, some with wonderful, strong graduate training, but, again, some with not such great training. Some, unfortunately, got their Ph.D.’s “remotely,” which means online, which I equate with getting a degree from the back of a matchbook. Call me old fashioned: I was in a university, on a campus, from age 17 to age 28. I took off one summer during that time, and I learned a tremendous amount in those eleven years of being an undergraduate and grad student. I took no shortcuts.
And there are always psychiatrists: They will write you a prescription for whatever you need, even if you don’t need it. Some people do need medication, but, most don’t. I once asked a psychiatrist, a friend, if he ever did an evaluation on somebody and determined they DON’T need medication? He looked at me funny. He didn’t understand the question. I asked it again: Do you ever meet a client for the first time and tell them they don’t need medicine? He looked confused again. I explained it again; he finally “got” the question and stated: “If they are in my office, they need medication.” Wow.
My belief is that clinical psychologists are the most highly-skilled bunch of folks doing psychotherapy today.
No matter what your degree is in, it all comes down to this: Is your doctor good at helping people change? Do you get better?
Is therapy about insight? Is psychotherapy about understanding yourself? Is therapy about coming to a psychologist twice a week for ten years and still doing the same stuff that got you unhappy in the first place? Have I ever treated a “Woody Allen” type for over twenty years?
No, therapy is about changing your behaviors and thoughts. Therapy is about changing your feelings. Therapy is about changing your relationships. Therapy is about getting unstuck and moving towards having the life you have always wanted. Therapy is about becoming happy, more fulfilled and living a more vibrant life. My therapy goal is for you to stop therapy. For some people it means a few sessions, for others it means a few months or years….It all comes down to this: What is your goal?
How to get there? I don’t know (…Yet. I need to meet you first). We can figure it out. I possess about 438 “moves” we can try together. Not two, three or five moves. If I ever say: “I don’t know, what do YOU think?” You have permission to throw something at me.
If you want to change, we should be able to get moving in a good direction rather quickly. If you stay stuck, that is my fault, too. So, let’s get moving…
Atlanta Psychologist
Atlanta Psychologist – call Dr. David Karol Gore today, a leading Atlanta Psychologists.